Monitoring solution designed to help protect workers from HAVS and WBV image
Monitoring solution designed to help protect workers from HAVS and WBV
24 May, 2022
HAVSPRO, a new solution for the accurate, real-time measurement and monitoring of workplace vibration, will protect employees from Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) and Whole Body Vibration (WBV), while helping employers to not only meet, but exceed health and safety standards, according to the manufacturer.
Hand arm vibration breaches jump by a third on construction sites  image
Hand arm vibration breaches jump by a third on construction sites
28 February, 2019
Housing association fined after exposing employees to Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome image
Housing association fined after exposing employees to Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
3 April, 2018
Prosecutors step up pressure on vibration injuries image
Prosecutors step up pressure on vibration injuries
22 February, 2017

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