In summary:

  • Over half (54%) of tradespeople have said they’ve noticed an increase in requests from customers for jobs that will make their homes more sustainable, from installing a heat pump to water efficient bathroom fittings, over the past five years
  • However, almost one in four (22%) feel they do not have the knowledge or skills to retrofit homes to make them greener. Fewer than one in five tradespeople know how to fit a solar panel (15%) or a heat pump (17%)
  • More than one in four (28%) said a lack of government support for training was the reason why they felt they didn’t have the knowledge of skills to retrofit homes, while more than one in five (23%) said that they didn’t know where to look for information about green skills training
  • This comes as a separate Kingfisher survey revealed 88% of the British public believe the UK needs more skilled tradespeople to meet the evolving needs of UK homes
  • The shortage in green skills is part of a wider challenge for trade industries identified by Kingfisher research published last month, which revealed the UK is on course to face a shortage of 250,000 tradespeople by 2030, costing the economy an estimated £98bn.

To ensure the UK has enough tradespeople to help deliver its net-zero targets, Kingfisher is proposing three policy areas where government could make a meaningful difference:

  • Stronger career advice in schools to encourage young people to take up a trade career
  • Hiring incentives to support SMEs in taking on, training, and retaining apprentices
  • Cost of living support to ensure trade apprenticeships are financially viable for young people.

Thierry Garnier, Kingfisher CEO, said: “Tradespeople play a vital role in our economy and society – from improving and maintaining the nation’s homes to installing energy efficiency measures that cut bills and emissions. To maximise the UK’s growth but also to progress on net-zero over the coming decade, it’s vital that business and government work together to encourage and support more young people to consider trade roles”.

Angie Clemson, a builder from Sheffield, commented: “Over the last few years, I’ve seen lots more interest from customers to make their homes more energy efficient. However, knowing where to look for advice and training as a tradesperson about ‘green skills’, is tricky. All of us will need to make our homes more sustainable to make sure they’re fit for the future, so it’s a great opportunity for me to expand my customer base and grow my business. But the tradesperson community definitely needs more support to be able to take on this kind of work on the scale the country needs”.