New research by Vanarama has revealed that plumbers can save £105 on their car insurance in 2023 by changing their job title to ‘pipe fitter’ when applying for annual insurance.

For plumbers, the average price of insuring a car has gone up by £82 in the past three years (from £358 to £440).

Vanarama has shared other ways to lower your car insurance costs this year:

  1. Check your credit score: If you have a poor credit score, then it’s likely that you will have to pay higher premiums, so checking your credit rating before applying for insurance is essential. If there are any mistakes on your report, get them corrected before applying for any form of financial product – including home loans and credit cards.
  2. Get yourself an older model car: Older models tend to be cheaper than newer ones. This is because they are less likely to suffer from theft or vandalism and therefore don’t need as much protection from the insurer. They also tend to be safer than newer models because they have more airbags and other safety features fitted as standard.
  3. Choose your own number plate carefully: The number plate on your car has a huge impact on how much you pay for insurance, so choose wisely! For example, if you choose a number that has been used previously or one that looks like another (even slightly), then this could result in higher premiums being charged by insurers because there’s a greater chance of a stolen number plate being put back on your car. If you’re looking for a personalised number plate, then you may find that it will cost more to insure than one which has been issued by the DVLA.
  4. Reduce your mileage: If you drive less, then your insurance is likely to be cheaper. The more miles you cover each year, the more likely it is that an accident will occur, and this can be reflected in your premium. So try car sharing and/or using public transport more if you can.
  5. Shop around for new quotes before renewing — even if you're happy with its service and price. What many motorists are unaware of is that prices can change as often as once a month, so it’s worth researching over the space of a few weeks before signing up with an insurer.
  6. Avoid accidents, penalty points, and reckless driving. Accidents can raise your rates dramatically. Penalty points and reckless driving are even worse. If you've been in any major accidents or have been cited for speeding or other traffic violations, look for companies that specialise in high-risk drivers. They tend to offer lower premiums because they know the risks involved with insuring you.