In an open letter penned by Ian Rippin, MCS' CEO, he confirmed the new MCS would aim for a January 2025 launch.

Since the consultation on a series of proposed changes to MCS last summer, which many installers responded to, and following MCS' response to this feedback in September, the organisation has been working behind the scenes to make improvements. In his letter, Mr Rippin said that he had hoped to be ready this summer, however "due to the unprecedented scale of the changes coupled with our commitment to ensure this is delivered to the highest quality", the updates had to be delayed.

The letter states that over the summer and autumn, MCS will be working to finalise the finer details of the new scheme. It will also be working with installers' chosen certification bodies to ensure that they are ready to offer the new MCS in the new year.  

To ensure the transition is as smooth as possible, installers will need to carry on with their current scheme requirements until their certification body gives the option to transfer to the new scheme. This includes maintaining membership of a consumer code for now. 

Later in the year MCS will publish the new scheme documentation and provide guidance to help explain how the new MCS applies to installers. MCS aims to help installers and their certification bodies transition and will provide more details on what this looks like nearer the time.

Commenting on the delay, Mark Krull, Director for LCL Awards & Logic4training, said: “It is disappointing to hear that the launch has been put back, but we recognise the importance of getting it right. It is critical for the industry to move to a more responsive and flexible low carbon competence scheme that recognises the differences in our industry and supports every player – from sole traders and SMEs to large organisations – to deliver good quality installations to customers.

"We hope that January 2025 is a firm delivery date and will welcome the changes when they come.”