Households often need a supply upgrade when switching to heat pumps or electric cars as they require more power being directed to their property. These upgrades have historically been managed by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) and, in certain parts of the country, can take up to 30 days to happen.

As part of a pilot scheme that ran between February 2022 and February 2023, UK Power Networks (UKPN) trained dozens of Octopus Energy engineers to perform fuse upgrades alongside heat pump installations on their network - the first time an accredited energy supplier is allowed to perform fuse upgrades.

Accoring to the company this drastically reduces the process of customers getting their low carbon technology working, helping to speed up the rollout of heat pumps across the UK.

The trial was such a success that the scheme is being extended to electric vehicle charger fuse upgrades.

Octopus and UKPN are calling on all other DNOs and suppliers to also allow simple supply upgrades to be delivered by accredited suppliers during installation visits, making them quicker, easier, and allowing customers to go green faster than ever before.

John Szymik, CEO of Octopus Energy Services, commented: “By carrying out fuse
upgrades at the same time as EV chargers and heat pumps, Octopus has not only saved homeowners time, but opened up a whole new world of possibilities for those who are itching to switch to green transport and heat.

“UK Power Networks has shown vision through initiating this project and worked closely with us to prove this can be done in a compliant and safe way. We would like to see more suppliers and DNOs to follow in our footsteps to make sure houses across the country have the means to decarbonise quickly and easily. This is the best way to wean ourselves off gas for good.”

Ian Cameron, Director of Customer Service and Innovation at UK Power Networks,
said: “We want to make it as easy as possible for people to switch to a heat pump, and training Octopus engineers means they can get it done there and then when the heat is needed, quickly and safely. Collaboration across the industry is key for the UK to achieve its Net Zero ambitions.”

Chris from Bedfordshire, who benefitted from one of the first fuse installations from Octopus Energy, commented: "We're delighted to have had our fuse upgraded by Octopus. It was a super fast and easy process and allowed us to make the switch to green heating. We already have solar at our home and an electric car, and so having a heat pump will help complete the set - doing our bit to reach net zero and save some cash on heating costs.”