A Durham landlord has been given a suspended prison sentence following his failure to maintain or check the gas fittings in one of his properties.
A gas fire with back boiler at the property in Middlesbrough, rented out by Christopher Hobaiter, was found to be immediately dangerous when examined by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).
The appliance was leaking deadly carbon monoxide (CO) into the ground floor sitting room, where windows were sealed shut and wall ventilation grills had been blocked over for some time, exposing the tenant to the risk of CO poisoning.
Mr Hobaiter of Lyndon Avenue, Hartburn, Stockton on Tees pleaded guilty to breaching Regulation 36(2) of the Gas Safety Installation and Use Regulations 1998 and was sentenced to a 26 week prison sentence suspended for 24 months with £1904.02 costs by Teesside Magistrates Court.
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