This can take a plumbing system from 10mm in Hep2O, right up to 75mm in Wavin Tigris. There are many benefits of an integrated system for the installer. Being from one manufacturer means:

  • Systems that have been specifically engineered to work together, with bespoke adapters which have been tested as system
  • A full system guarantee
  • Single source supply from Wavin stockists
  • Technical support for the whole project, with BIM packages available online.

By using Wavin systems, installers can also benefit from the latest technology. Wavin recently launched Tigris K5/M5, a new range of commercial press-fit fittings designed to effectively detect pressure faults and unpressed fittings in systems.

The unique design is the first to enable testing with air as well as water, and the range of fittings come with a variety of market-leading benefits to streamline the overall pressure testing process, while also ensuring accuracy and maintaining a hygienic pipe system.

Features include an 80dB air pressure leak alert, designed to emit an easily identifiable whistle to ensure that leaks can be detected in even the loudest of environments. Additionally, the Optiflow feature ensures a 50% greater flow rate which can not only assist in reducing overall pressure, but can also avoid any potential heat loss or legionella contamination, which is vital in commercial and healthcare settings.

Tigris K5/M5 also offers a number of time and cost-saving benefits. The Multi-Jaw feature of the fittings ensures that both Tigris K5 and M5 are compatible with the most common jaw profiles, for example, avoiding the need to purchase new equipment for the installation process. This guarantees an easy switch from other MLCP systems to the new Tigris K5/M5 without additional costs or warranty considerations.

By using Tigris in conjunction with the tried, tested and trusted Hep2O range, Installers can be assured of a quality system that will give maximum performance and total peace of mind.  The Wavin Tigris system is also available from stockists nationwide so ideal if you run out of a fitting on site. 

Visit the Wavin stockist locator to find your nearest stockist, or for more information about Wavin's latest Tigris range visit: