When installed with the ESi WIFI hub, a household's heating and hot water can be controlled via Alexa or the ESi Centro App. Vitally, the load compensation functionality, available via OpenTherm technology, modulates the flow temperature dependant on the desired room temperature, saving up to 15% on gas usage.

The RTP4 Touch slots in neatly between ESi’s best selling RTP4RF units and its top of the range 6 Series WIFI programmable room thermostats, offering many of the benefits of both these ranges and more.

It offers optimum start/stop and delayed start functions, 7 day, 5/2 day or 24 hour options, automatic summer/winter change settings, and has home, manual, away, sleep and holiday modes along with a landlord service interval reminder.

The new unit, which has a large backlit LCD display and touch screen, is battery powered and comes with a low-power indicator. It comes with a three-year warranty.


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