Seven young apprentices recently received certificates and prizes for being the first group of JTL apprentices to have completed their BPEC Level 3 Plumbing Qualification at Hull College.

The event was held as part of the on-going working partnership between the British Plumbing Employers Council (BPEC) and JTL, provider of apprenticeships and associated training in the building services engineering sector in England and Wales.

Each apprentice was presented with a framed certificate and a set of tools, in front of staff from Hull College and their JTL training officer, John Wilkinson.

“We believe it’s important to recognise excellence and these young men have worked hard for their qualification and deserve recognition,” said BPEC chief executive officer Paul Johnson. “We’re pleased that the on-going partnership between BPEC and JTL continues to bear fruit and to deliver high quality young people into the plumbing industry.”

“There’s never been a better time to consider a plumbing apprenticeship in this country,” said Jon Graham, chief executive officer for JTL.

“The improvement in the economy is driving the need for new blood in the sector on a daily basis. We know from industry statistics that many senior plumbers will be looking to retire in the next few years, so it’s vital that we recruit more young people who can take on a role in the industry and provide the skills and the experience that we will need hugely in the years ahead. 

“For bright young people like these who are of a practical nature and keen to excel in a trade, this is a wonderful opportunity. For employers, the opportunity to add to their workforce and build their businesses around young people looking for a lifelong trade makes good business sense.”

Young people looking for options and thinking of taking up an apprenticeship in the plumbing or heating and ventilating sectors should take a closer look at the JTL website at or the BPEC website at

Pictured: Jamie Milner, Liam Smith, Alex Berry, Luke Metcalfe and Tom Dungworth receive their certificates