Daikin UK's senior product specialist Simon Keel is urging the industry to "demonstrate a duty of care and spread the word".

The air conditioning industry must work together to educate businesses about system inspections legislation to avoid falling foul of the law,

The air conditioning industry must work together to educate businesses about system inspections legislation to avoid falling foul of the law,

The air conditioning industry must work together to educate businesses about system inspections legislation to avoid falling foul of the law, says

By 1 January 2011, all buildings with more than 12kW of cooling capacity should have had an inspection. Companies that do not comply with the legislation are breaking the law as well as, Keel says, "jeopardising the UK's ability to hit carbon reduction targets and costing themselves money".

Keel is urging the industry to "demonstrate a duty of care and spread the word wherever and whenever possible".

He said: "Given that the government has done nothing to educate businesses or publicise the law, it is up to the air conditioning industry to take on this role.

"There must be thousands of small premises owners who are ignorant of the law and others who are afraid that it will be a waste of time and money. Of course ignorance of the law is no excuse, but there are a number of end-users who do not know their obligations."

He cautiously added: "There will be a cost implication and a natural resistance to spending more money, but current feedback from inspectors' reports shows that long-term savings can more than pay for the initial outlay. Building owners and managers who enter into the spirit of these inspections are the ones who will profit the most."