What now for plumbing pensions? image
What now for plumbing pensions?
12 September, 2019
The Plumbing and Mechanical Services (UK) Industry Pension Scheme is used by many employers in the plumbing industry. The scheme’s closure to future benefit accrual on 30 June 2019 has left employers and employees alike wondering about the practical impact of the move. Craig Looker, Director in the Pensions Team at Walker Morris LLP, explains.
District heating is hot topic in Birmingham  image
District heating is hot topic in Birmingham
27 July, 2017
Pimlico Plumbers ruling should act as a warning to employers image
Pimlico Plumbers ruling should act as a warning to employers
10 February, 2017
Go limited and save on tax image
Go limited and save on tax
12 October, 2015
Mark Group collapse triggers call for energy policy overhaul image
Mark Group collapse triggers call for energy policy overhaul
8 October, 2015

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