WaterSafe has worked with the Home Builders Federation to publish a joint leaflet with the objective of encouraging developers of newbuild homes to include water-saving features.

The leaflet outlines the steps developers can take to reduce the water footprint of a new home, and where to find advice and support to do so.

Developers are encouraged to equip new homes with water-efficient showerheads, dishwashers and washing machines; aerated taps; dual-flush toilets; and, for the garden, water butts and drought-resistant plants.  

Craig Ferrans, Technical Director at the Home Builders Federation, said: “New homes are built to ever more exacting standards and are increasingly being fitted with technologies to reflect the demands of modern living.

“They are considerably more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than their predecessors, and water saving plays a key part in this. Well designed, energy efficient new homes are not only good for the environment, they also save owners hundreds of pound a year in utility bills.”

The leaflet can be downloaded on the WaterSafe website here.