On p19, Tommy Lee-Zmuda of The Boiler Business sets out why it’s worth setting goals for your business. Without a solid plan you won’t be able to maximise your progress in life and business, he argues, so it’s worth spending time evaluating what you want to get out of 2022.

For those who do want to slim down this year but find it difficult to exercise outside of work, why not combine both things? You could follow the example of Derby plumber Martin Broer who has stopped taking the van to jobs, instead opting to use an electric cargo bike. Pedaling around the city has not only saved money on petrol, but also improved Broer’s mental health. To learn more about how he made the switch, head to p28 to read our interview with him.

Undertaking training is another important part of your development in the working world and, on p30, Rhiannon De Wreede takes readers through her experience of HeatGeek’s ‘The Awakening’ heating system design course. With a move to heat pumps on the horizon for UK heating engineers, it’s a great time to upskill and ensure you fully understand the engineering principles involved with the systems you are installing. Heat loss, pipe and emitter sizing, as well as controls, all feature on the course, so it could be time to either learn or brush up on some of these vital elements.

However, sometimes a new year brings an entirely fresh start, and you could be like Darren Chalkly who is making the move to live in the United States. He is kindly writing a new column for us looking at some of the most interesting differences between plumbing across the Atlantic and here – starting with how shower trays (or tubs, as the Americans apparently call them) are installed through a process known as ‘hot-mopping’, by a roofer of all things! Head to p20 to find out more.