Heat Interface Units (HIUs) will be a major part of talks during the upcoming BESA National Conference, as they will play a “pivotal role in the UK’s journey to a low carbon economy”, according to the association.
Two key parliamentary committees – Climate Change and Science and Technical - have identified the decarbonisation of heat as the country’s single biggest challenge in the transition to net zero carbon emissions and have urged wider adoption of heat networks.
Heating specialists have pointed out that the performance of the HIUs connected to the heat networks is critical to their overall efficiency and effectiveness, but historically this issue was largely ignored, BESA says.
A research project conducted by consultant FairHeat, and funded by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, found that poor performance of HIUs was one of the key drivers of the performance gap between design and actual performance of heat networks. Researchers concluded that it was difficult to limit network losses if the HIU performed poorly. The performance of HIUs were also a major determinant in the quality of heat delivery to residents.
“When considering heat network performance, most attention tends to be focused on the energy centre and the pipework in the basement of buildings that connects to the wider network,” explained Gareth Jones, chair of the UK HIU Steering Group.
“This is a mistake. Heat network efficiency starts (and often ends) with performance at a dwelling level. HIUs, which provide the interface to the wider network, are therefore critical.”
A new UK Test Standard for HIUs was developed by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) to address this knowledge gap and delegates at the BESA National Conference on November 21 will receive the latest updates on the test methodology.
Gareth, who will chair a conference session on HIUs at the Millennium Gloucester hotel in London, said: “In the past, there was no way to assess the relative performance of HIUs and there was often a significant discrepancy between the claims of manufacturers and the performance in practice. This meant that there was no way for those developing heat networks to make informed procurement decisions.”
The BESA standard was developed on behalf of consumers, which means the test regime places a heavy emphasis on the end-user experience.
He continued: “The BESA Standard has also triggered a surge in research and development and we have direct evidence that significant improvements have been made in HIU performance that have all had a direct and positive impact on resident comfort.”
To find out more about the upcoming BESA National Conference, click here.
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