Ariston is looking to recruit three intrepid installers to participate in boiler installation challenge.
The Ariston Comfort Challenge is an international search for volunteers to travel to Greenland and help install an Ariston ONE Series boiler at a purpose-built environmental research post. This initiative aims to bring 'comfort' to one of the most inhospitable places on Earth – while maintaining a strong focus on the environment.
Installers who consider themselves brave enough for the Ariston Comfort Challenge should log on to www.aristoncomfortchallenge.com before 28 January 2018 and enter their details, prior to completing an online video questionnaire (a webcam is required).
Potential candidates must be Registered Gas Installers over the age of 18. Full terms and conditions can be found on the Ariston Comfort Challenge website.
The Greenland Field Station will feature a 'Comfort Area' built by Ariston, in which the researchers can relax and enjoy some home comforts – despite being thousands of miles away from their actual homes. It will be down to the Ariston Comfort Challenge installers to ensure the facility has a fully functioning Ariston ONE Series boiler.
Following the online selection process, successful applicants will be contacted by Ariston in February 2018.
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